What if my value is too high? |
Please see the section on property appeals. Between reappraisals, the changes that can be made to property values are limited by the North Carolina General Statutes. |
If you have any questions regarding business Personal Property, feel free to contact the tax department in person at 371 NC Hwy 65 Reidsville NC 27320, by emailing bzpersonal@rockinghamcountync.gov or by calling 336-342-8299. Other Business Property LinksFAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) Business Listing Details (Please note that data contained in this site is from public information sources and is not guaranteed nor should it be construed as legal proof of property ownership or absolute representation of real estate characteristics. Any information regarding the property should be verified with the source. All tax bill information is approximate real time, but should be rechecked at a later date for any change that has occurred since payment.) |
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