Questions - Click on a question to jump to the answer.
How do I know the person at my door is an employee of the Rockingham County Tax Administration?
What if my house or building is still under construction?
Why do we have revaluations/reappraisals?
What is revaluation/reappraisal?
What if my value is too high?
How can the tax amount I pay change between reappraisals if I have made no changes to my property?
I just bought my property or had my property appraised, the tax value is different from my purchase price or appraised value - Why?
Why is someone from the Tax Office taking a picture of my home or business?

How do I know the person at my door is an employee of the Rockingham County Tax Administration?
  Rockingham County Real Property Appraisers can be easily identified. They will be driving a white Rockingham County vehicle with blue Rockingham County Seals on each front door and a clearly marked 3-digit number starting with 9 on the rear of the vehicle. They will have a picture identification card issued by the County with their name on it. They will be able to furnish you a business card with their name, position and contact information on it. They will be wearing a shirt, pullover or jacket, and a yellow safety vest, identifying them as a Rockingham County Employee.

What if my house or building is still under construction?
  Ongoing construction, whether it is new construction or repair work, must be listed. If you do not receive a listing form, you may request a form from the Rockingham County Tax Administration Office or download a form from this website. There is a space at the bottom of the listing form to list changes to your property. Please estimate the completion percentage as of January 1.

Why do we have revaluations/reappraisals?
  Revaluations/reappraisals are mandated by the North Carolina General Statutes governing property tax assessments and are necessary to maintain equitable and uniform property values among property owners throughout the county due to changing market conditions.

What is revaluation/reappraisal?
  Revaluation is the process of reappraising all real property in the county to current market value as of an effective date. This is different from the annual process of notifying property owners whose property values change due to land revisions, new construction, additions or remodeling. The last countywide reappraisal was completed on January 1, 2024. The aim of the new reappraisal is to adjust all real property values for changes in the real estate market since 2019.

What if my value is too high?
  Please see the section on property appeals. Between reappraisals, the changes that can be made to property values are limited by the North Carolina General Statutes.

How can the tax amount I pay change between revaluations/reapprasials if I have made no changes to my property?
  The tax rate is set annually by the County Commissioners and the fire districts or municipalities your property is located in. This tax rate can change even if your property value remains the same.

I just bought my property or had my property appraised, the tax value is different from my purchase price or appraised value - Why?
  Your assessed value for taxes was based on the most recent reappraisal effective January 1, 2024. Between county-wide reappraisals, the Real Property Division cannot adjust to a higher or lower selling price by North Carolina General Statutes. Changes to valuations between reappraisals are limited and should be discussed with the Real Property Division.

Why is someone from the Tax Office taking a picture of my home or business?
  The tax department is in the process of building a database of pictures of different types of property in Rockingham County. These pictures help us as we review the information we have on properties. We take pictures of all new construction, and periodically take pictures of neighborhoods, subdivisions, appeals or mobile home parks.

If you have any questions regarding business Personal Property, feel free to contact the tax department in person at 371 NC Hwy 65 Reidsville NC 27320, by emailing or by calling 336-342-8299.

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(Please note that data contained in this site is from public information sources and is not guaranteed nor should it be construed as legal proof of property ownership or absolute representation of real estate characteristics. Any information regarding the property should be verified with the source. All tax bill information is approximate real time, but should be rechecked at a later date for any change that has occurred since payment.)

If you need assistance with the site or would like to make a suggestion, please direct your response to the following email address: